VitalPBX Download and Quick Startup

Here is your VitalPBX Download link, and quick startup guide.

Thank you for your interest in VitalPBX! Here is your Download link, and a quick guide for installation. We hope that you find that VitalPBX has everything you look for and more!

Download VitalPBX


To install VitalPBX on a Virtual Environment, it is quite simple. You will need to follow the following steps to get you up and running.


Now, before you move on, it is important that you keep in mind that to install VitalPBX, you need to make sure that your virtualization environment is based on KVM. Other systems share kernel, and VitalPBX needs to update this on its own, so a KVM environment is required.


First Download VitalPBX from the button above. Once downloaded, you can prepare the Virtual Machine. On this example we are using VirtualBox, but you can use your Hypervisor of your liking, like VMWare or Hyper-V. On VirtualBox you select RedHat, but other systems like VMWare, you can choose Debian 11.
Next, you will select the ISO as your install source.
Then, start the machine to begin the installation process.
Select the installation language.
Here, all you must select is your Keyboard Language, but you can also change your Time Zone and make network and storage changes. The default settings will use the connected Network interface and format the storage space given to the machine. Click Continue.
Finally, add a root password. There is no need to create another user from here. Once the operation is done, the machine will reboot, with Debian 11 64-bit and VitalPBX installed. So you can now log in, create the Admin Password, and start your configurations.

With all of this done, you now have successfully installed VitalPBX!

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