Reduce your downtime with Asterisk PBX high availability feature today


Asterisk PBX high availability is a characteristic of a system that aims to ensure an agreed level of operational performance, usually uptime, for a higher-than-normal period.

Make a high-availability cluster out of any pair of VitalPBX servers. VitalPBX can detect a range of failures on one VitalPBX server and automatically transfer control to the other server, resulting in a telephony environment with minimal downtime.

⚠️ Important Notes

  • If you are going to restore some Backup from another server that is not in HA, restore it first in the Master server before creating the HA. This should be done as the backup does not contain the firewall rules for HA to work.
  • The VitalPBX team does not provide support for systems in an HA environment because it is not possible to determine the environment where it has been installed.

asterisk pbx high availability


To install VitalPBX in high availability, you need the following:

  1. 3 IP addresses.
  2. Install VitalPBX Version 4.0 in two servers with similar characteristics.
  3. Corosync, Pacemaker, PCS, chrony and lsyncd.
  4. Root user is required for both servers to communicate.
  5. Both servers will not be able to have a proxy since this affects the communication between them.


List of Hostname and IP Address

NameServer 1Server 2
IP Address192.168.10.61192.168.10.62
Primary DNS8.
Secondary DNS8.

IP and Hostname Configuration

Now we connect through ssh to each of the servers and we configure and configure the host name and the IP address.

Server 1

Change Hostname

root@vitalpbx1:~# hostname vitalpbx1.local

Change Ip Address, edit the following file with nano, /etc/network/interfaces

root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /etc/network/interfaces
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dchp
With the following value
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Server 2

Change Hostname

root@vitalpbx2:~# hostname vitalpbx2.local

Change Ip Address, edit the following file with nano, /etc/network/interfaces

root@vitalpbx2:~# nano /etc/network/interfaces
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dchp
With the following value
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static


Configure the hostname of each server in the /etc/hosts file, so that both servers see each other with the hostname.

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# nano /etc/hosts vitalpbx1.local master1 vitalpbx2.local master2


Adjust the firewall using the following commands:

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=high-availability
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=3306/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=2224/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=3121/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=5403/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=5404-5405/udp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=21064/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=9929/tcp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=9929/udp
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# firewall-cmd –reload

VitalPBX Firewall

Now create this Services and Rules in Server1. Admin/Firewall/Services

Service Name, A Descriptive name to easily recognize this service.

Port, Port or range of ports for this service. e.g.: 5060, 5060-5064, or 2030,3450.

Protocol, Type of connections for the ports listed on this service.

List of Services to Create

Service NamePortProtocol
MariaDB Client3306TCP


Service, Service to be accepted, rejected or dropped.

Source, Source IP or range of source IPs to which the service will be allowed or not. e.g.: or

Destination, Destination IP or range of destination IPs to which the service will be allowed or not. e.g.: or

Action, Action to be performed for the selected service.

List of Rules to Create

MariaDB ClientACCEPT

Now we will whitelist the IPs of Server1 and Server2

Admin/Firewall/Access Control

IP/Domain, IP or Domain to add to the whitelist. The IP can be in CIDR notation (e.g.:

Description, Short description for this item.

List of Server IP

IP/DomainDescription IP IP

Bind Address

In the Server1 go to SETTINGS/PJSIP Settings and configure the Floating IP that we are going to use in “Bind” and “TLS Bind”. Also do it in SETTINGS/SIP Settings Tab NETWORK fields “TCP Bind Address” and “TLS Bind Address”.

Goto SETTINS/Technology Settings/PJSIP Settings

Goto SETTINS/Technology Settings/SIP Settings NETWORK Tab

Install Dependencies

Install the necessary dependencies on both servers

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# apt -y install corosync pacemaker pcs rsync lsyncd chrony

Create authorization key for the Access between the two servers without credentials

Create key in Server 1:

root@vitalpbx1:~# ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ” >/dev/null
Created directory ‘/root/.ssh’.
root@vitalpbx1:~# ssh-copy-id root@
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: “/root/.ssh/”
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:SMJmCQN0V7YUwUzzWS/VuUY6O18vXJEr2NjQbf3w1vU.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? Yes
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed — if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
root@’s password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with:   “ssh ‘root@′”
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

Create key in Server 2:

root@vitalpbx2:~# ssh-keygen -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ” >/dev/null
root@vitalpbx2:~# ssh-copy-id root@
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: “/root/.ssh/”
The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:qSVd+t77O0TB4nluecwgh4fTEvTr+mC6ikQGKN+yWFc.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? Yes
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed — if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
root@’s password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with:   “ssh ‘root@′”
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

Configure lsync

With lsync we are going to synchronize the content of the information on both servers. Below is the list of directories to sync.

List of Rules to Create

/var/spool/asterisk/monitorRecording storage
/var/lib/asterisk/Only the Asterisk database is included: astdb.sqlite3
/usr/share/vitxi/backend/Directory of Vitxi
/usr/share/vitxi/backend/storage/Vitxi content storage
/var/lib/vitxi/Vitxi configuration, only file included: wizard.conf
/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/Asterisk AGI files
/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Asterisk and VitalPBX audio files
/var/lib/vitalpbx/VitalPBX configuration files
/etc/asterisk/Asterisk and VitalPBX configuration files

For lsync to work correctly it is necessary that the directories to be synchronized exist on both servers, so before starting to configure it is necessary to create some of them.

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# chown asterisk:asterisk /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /usr/share/vitxi
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /usr/share/vitxi/backend
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /usr/share/vitxi/backend/storage
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/share/vitxi
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /var/lib/vitxi
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/vitxi
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# mkdir /var/log/lsyncd
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# touch /var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.{log,status}

Now we proceed to create and configure the lsyncd.conf file in Server 1 (/etc/lsyncd.conf). Remember to change the IP:, for the IP address of Server2

root@vitalpbx1:~# mkdir /etc/lsyncd
root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /etc/lsyncd/lsyncd.conf.lua
— User configuration file for lsyncd.

— Simple example for default rsync.

settings {
                logfile = “/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.log”,
                statusFile = “/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.status”,
                statusInterval = 20,
                nodaemon = false,
                insist = true,
sync {
                source = “/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/asterisk/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/asterisk/”,
                rsync = {
                                binary = “/usr/bin/rsync”,
                                owner = true,
                                group = true,
                                archive = “true”,
                                _extra = {
sync {
                source = “/usr/share/vitxi/backend/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/usr/share/vitxi/backend/”,
                rsync = {
                                binary = “/usr/bin/rsync”,
                                owner = true,
                                group = true,
                                archive = “true”,
                                _extra = {
sync {
                source = “/usr/share/vitxi/backend/storage/”,
host = “”,
                targetdir = “/usr/share/vitxi/backend/storage/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/vitxi/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/vitxi/”,
                rsync = {
                                binary = “/usr/bin/rsync”,
                                owner = true,
                                group = true,
                                archive = “true”,
                                _extra = {
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/asterisk/priv-callerintros/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/asterisk/priv-callerintros/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true
sync {
                source = “/var/lib/vitalpbx/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/var/lib/vitalpbx/”,
                rsync = {
                                binary = “/usr/bin/rsync”,
                                owner = true,
                                group = true,
                                archive = “true”,
                                _extra = {
sync {
                source = “/etc/asterisk/”,
                host = “”,
                targetdir = “/etc/asterisk/”,
                rsync = {
                                owner = true,
                                group = true

How to Setup MariaDB Master-Master Replication

This tutorial will go over how to set up MariaDB Master-Master Replication on Debian 11 Servers. Additionally, we will go over how to synchronize time using Chrony between MariaDB servers.

Synchronuizing Time using Chrony

Time synchronization for the MariaDB Master-Master Replication deployment is crucial. And to synchronize time between servers, you will need to set up Chrony as the NTP client on each MariaDB server.

To install the Chrony package, run the following “apt install” command. Input Y to confirm the installation and press ENTER, and the installation will begin. Install on both servers

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# apt install chrony
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl start chrony
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl enable chrony

Now check and verify the Chrony service using the following command. And you should see the Chrony service is running. Also, you will see the Chrony service is “enabled”, which means it will automatically be running at system boot.

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl status chronyd

Next, run the “timedatectl” command below to adjust your system time with the specific timezone and enable it to use the NTP service Chrony.

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York –adjust-system-clock
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# timedatectl set-ntp yes

Lastly, run the “timedatectl” command below to check and verify the current settings of your system clock and time. Make sure the time is synchronized between all MariaDB servers.

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# timedatectl

Copy Database.

To ensure that the information on Server1 is exactly the same as that on Server2, we will proceed to make an exact copy of the Server1 database.

In Server1

root@vitalpbx1:~# mysqldump -u root –all-databases > all_databases.sql
root@vitalpbx1:~# scp all_databases.sql root@

In Server2

root@vitalpbx2:~# mysql mysql -u root <  /tmp/all_databases.sql

Setting Up master1 MariaDB Server

VitalPBX already has MariaDB installed and configured. Now, let’s begin configuring MariaDB servers.

First, you will be setting up the MariaDB server on the “master1” server. Log in to the “master1” server shell.

Run the “systemctl” command below to stop the MariaDB service. This is needed before you set up the MariaDB server.

root@vitalpbx1:~# systemctl stop mariadb

Now edit the MariaDB server config file “/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf” using the following command.

root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Change the default “listen-address” to the internal IP address. In this example, the “master1” server has an IP address “”. Next, enable the “binary_log” for the MariaDB server, this allows you to set up replication on the MariaDB server. Be sure to place the following configuration under the “[mysqld]” option. Comment the line bind-address =

bind-address =
server-id              = 1
report_host            = master1
log_bin                = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin

log_bin_index          = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin.index
relay_log              = /var/log/mysql/relay-bin
relay_log_index        = /var/log/mysql/relay-bin.index

Save and close the file when you are done.

Next, run the “systemctl” command below to start the MariaDB service and apply new changes. Then, check and verify which IP address the MariaDB is running. You should see the MariaDB service is now running on the internal IP address “”.

root@vitalpbx1:~# systemctl start mariadb
root@vitalpbx1:~# ss -plnt

Now you will need to create a new MariaDB user that will be used for replicating data between MariaDB servers. Log in to the MariaDB shell as “root” using the “mysql” command below.

root@vitalpbx1:~# mysql -u root

Run the following queries to create a new MariaDB user and password “replusr”. Then, grant the correct privileges to the user.

CREATE USER ‘vitalpbx_replica’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘vitalpbx_replica’;
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO ‘vitalpbx_replica’@’%’;

Next, run the following query to check the current binary log and its exact position of it. In this example, the binary log file for the MariaDB server is “mariadb-bin.000001” with the position “785”. These outputs will be used in the next stage for setting up the “master2” server.


Type “quit” to exit from the MariaDB shell.

Setting Up master2 MariaDB Server

Now move to the “master2” server and start configuring the MariaDB server. The configuration for the MariaDB Master-Master Replication is not particularly different for all MariaDB servers.

Run the following command to stop the MariaDB service.

root@vitalpbx2:~# systemctl stop mariadb

Edit the MariaDB config file “/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf” using the following command.

root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

Change the “bind-address” to the local IP address of the “master2” server. Then, enable the binary log on the MariaDB server “master2” to enable the replication. Be sure to add place the following configuration under the “[mysqld]” option. Comment the line bind-address =

bind-address =
server-id              = 2
report_host            = master2
log_bin                = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin
log_bin_index          = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin.index
relay_log              = /var/log/mysql/relay-bin
relay_log_index        = /var/log/mysql/relay-bin.index

Save and close the file when you are done.

Next, start the MariaDB service to apply new changes. Then, check and verify the current IP address of which the MariaDB server is running. If your configuration is correct, you will see the MariaDB server is not running on the internal IP address of the “master2” server, which is “”.

root@vitalpbx2:~# systemctl start mariadb
root@vitalpbx2:~# ss -plnt

After the MariaDB service is running, run the following command to log in to the MariaDB shell as the “root” user..

root@vitalpbx2:~# mysql -u root

Run the following queries to create a new MariaDB user that will be used for replicating data between all MariaDB servers. This user must be matched with the user that you just created on the “master1” server.

CREATE USER ‘vitalpbx_replica’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘vitalpbx_replica’;
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO ‘vitalpbx_replica’@’%’;

After that, you will need to make changes on the MariaDB “master2” server and define the “Master” node using the detailed configuration of the MariaDB “master1” server.

Run the following queries to stop the slave. Then, add detailed information about the MariaDB “master1” server. In this example, the MariaDB “master1” server uses the hostname “master1”, the user and password for data replication is “replusr”, and lastly the binlog file is “mariadb-bin.000001” with the position “785”.

CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’master1′, MASTER_USER=’vitalpbx_replica’, MASTER_PASSWORD=’vitalpbx_replica’, MASTER_LOG_FILE=’mariadb-bin.000001′, MASTER_LOG_POS=785;

Now start the slave again using the following query. Then, check and verify the slave status on the “master2” server. If you get the output such as “Slave_IO_Running: Yes” and “Slave_SQL_Running: Yes”, it means the MariaDB replication is active and running. Also, you can see the binary log file on the “master2” server is “mariadb-bin.000001” with the position “785”. which is should be the same as on the “master1” server. Additionally, you can see the MariaDB “Master_Host” value is “master1”.


You can also verify the master binary log file and the position on the “master2” server using the following query. And you should get the same output as the binary log file “mariadb-bin.000001” with the position “785” as on the “master1” server.


Start Master-Master Replication on master1 MariaDB Server

Because this guide is to set up the MariaDB master-master Replication, then you also need to add and define the “master2” detailed configuration to the “master1” server.

Back to the “master1” server and log in to the MariaDB shell using the “mysql” command below.

root@vitalpbx1:~# mysql -u root

Stop the slave using the following command. Then, add detailed information about the “master2” server, which includes the “master2” server hostname, the MariaDB user and password for replication, and the binary log file and position.

CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST=’master2′, MASTER_USER=’vitalpbx_replica’, MASTER_PASSWORD=’vitalpbx_replica’, MASTER_LOG_FILE=’mariadb-bin.000001′, MASTER_LOG_POS=785;

Now start again the slave using the below command. Then, check and verify the slave on the “master1” server. And you should see the output such as “Slave_IO_Running: Yes” and “Slave_SQL_Running: Yes”, which means the MariaDB replication is active and running on the “master1” MariaDB server. Also, you can see the “Master_Host” value is the “master2” server.



Congratulation! You have now successfully deployed the MariaDB Master-Master Replication on Debian 11 servers. You have also configured time synchronization on MariaDB servers using the Chrony service. Additionally, you have also secured the MariaDB server deployment using the firewall. In the end, you have a MariaDB server with automatic replication between two MariaDB servers, you can write on all of those MariaDB servers, and all data will be automatically replicated.

Create Cluster

Create hacluster password in Server1/2 (Change hapassword to your own password)

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# echo hacluster:MyPassword | chpasswd

Starting pcsd services in Server1/2

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl start pcsd
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl enable pcsd.service
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl enable corosync.service
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl enable pacemaker.service

It appeared that some node was already running (probably just installing packages creates some default cluster), so we destroyed everything (pcs cluster destroy), started pcsd again.

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster destroy

Server Authenticate in Server 1 (Change hapassword to your own password)

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs host auth -u hacluster -p hapassword

Creating Cluster in Server1

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster setup cluster_vitalpbx vitalpbx1.local vitalpbx2.local –force

Starting Cluster in Server1

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster start –all
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster enable –all
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore

Creating Floating IP in Server1

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource create virtual_ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s on-fail=restart
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib drbd_cfg
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib-push drbd_cfg

Disable Services in Server 1/2

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl disable asterisk
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl stop asterisk
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl disable lsyncd
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# systemctl stop lsyncd

Create asterisk Service in Server 1

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource create asterisk service:asterisk op monitor interval=30s
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib fs_cfg
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib-push fs_cfg –config
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint colocation add asterisk with virtual_ip INFINITY
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint order virtual_ip then asterisk
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib-push fs_cfg –config
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource update asterisk op stop timeout=120s
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource update asterisk op start timeout=120s
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource update asterisk op restart timeout=120s

Create lsyncd Service in Server 1

root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs resource create lsyncd service:lsyncd.service op monitor interval=30s
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib fs_cfg
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib-push fs_cfg –config
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint colocation add lsyncd with virtual_ip INFINITY
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint order asterisk then lsyncd
root@vitalpbx1:~# pcs cluster cib-push fs_cfg –config

Creating VitalPBX Cluster role Command and copy in Server2

root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /usr/local/bin/role
# This code is the property of VitalPBX LLC Company
# License: Proprietary
# Date: 10-oct-2022
# Show the Role of Server.
#Bash Colour Codes
linux_ver=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -e PRETTY_NAME | awk -F ‘=’ ‘{print $2}’ | xargs`
vpbx_version=`aptitude versions vitalpbx | awk ‘{ print $2 }’`
server_master=`pcs status resources | awk ‘NR==1 {print $5}’`
if [[ “${server_master}” = “${host}” ]]; then
 _    _ _           _ ______ ______ _    _
| |  | (_)_        | (_____ (____  \ \  / /
| |  | |_| |_  ____| |_____) )___)  ) \/ /
 \ \/ /| |  _)/ _  | |  ____/  __  ( )  (
  \  / | | |_( ( | | | |    | |__)  ) /\ \\
   \/  |_|\___)_||_|_|_|    |______/_/  \_\\

echo -e “
 Role           : $server_mode
 Version        : ${vpbx_version//[[:space:]]}
 Asterisk       : `asterisk -rx “core show version” 2>/dev/null| grep -ohe ‘Asterisk [0-9.]*’`
 Linux Version  : ${linux_ver}
 Welcome to    : `hostname`
 Uptime         : `uptime | grep -ohe ‘up .*’ | sed ‘s/up //g’ | awk -F “,” ‘{print $1}’`
 Load           : `uptime | grep -ohe ‘load average[s:][: ].*’ | awk ‘{ print “Last Minute: ” $3″ Last 5 Minutes: “$4” Last 15 Minutes “$5 }’`
 Users          : `uptime | grep -ohe ‘[0-9.*] user[s,]’`
 IP Address     : ${green}`ip addr | sed -En ‘s/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p’ | xargs `${txtrst}
 Clock          :`timedatectl | sed -n ‘/Local time/ s/^[ \t]*Local time:\(.*$\)/\1/p’`
 NTP Sync.      :`timedatectl |awk -F: ‘/NTP service/ {print $2}’`

echo -e “”
echo -e “************************************************************”
echo -e “*                  Servers Status                          *”
echo -e “************************************************************”
echo -e “Master”
pcs status resources
echo -e “”
echo -e “Servers Status”
pcs cluster pcsd-status
root@vitalpbx1:~# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/role
scp /usr/local/bin/role root@
ssh root@ ‘chmod +x /usr/local/bin/role’

Creating VitalPBX Cluster bascul Command and copy in Server2

root@vitalpbx1:~# nano /usr/local/bin/bascul
# This code is the property of VitalPBX LLC Company
# License: Proprietary
# Date: 10-Oct-2022
# Change the status of the servers, the Master goes to Stanby and the Standby goes to Master.
#funtion for draw a progress bar
#You must pass as argument the amount of secconds that the progress bar will run
#progress-bar 10 –> it will generate a progress bar that will run per 10 seconds
set -e
progress-bar() {
        local duration=${1}
        already_done() { for ((done=0; done<$elapsed; done++)); do printf “>”; done }
        remaining() { for ((remain=$elapsed; remain<$duration; remain++)); do printf ” “; done }
        percentage() { printf “| %s%%” $(( (($elapsed)*100)/($duration)*100/100 )); }
        clean_line() { printf “\r”; }
        for (( elapsed=1; elapsed<=$duration; elapsed++ )); do
                already_done; remaining; percentage
                sleep 1
server_a=`pcs status | awk ‘NR==11 {print $4}’`
server_b=`pcs status | awk ‘NR==11 {print $5}’`
server_master=`pcs status resources | awk ‘NR==1 {print $5}’`
#Perform some validations
if [ “${server_a}” = “” ] || [ “${server_b}” = “” ]
    echo -e “\e[41m There are problems with high availability, please check with the command *pcs status* (we recommend applying the command *pcs cluster unstandby* in both servers) \e[0m”
if [[ “${server_master}” = “${server_a}” ]]; then
if [ “$arg” = ‘yes’ ] ;then
# Print a warning message and ask to the user if he wants to continue
echo -e “************************************************************”
echo -e “*     Change the roles of servers in high availability     *”
echo -e “*All calls in progress will be lost and the system will be *”
echo -e “*     be in an unavailable state for a few seconds.        *”
echo -e “************************************************************”
#Perform a loop until the users confirm if wants to proceed or not
while [[ $perform_bascul != yes && $perform_bascul != no ]]; do
        read -p “Are you sure to switch from $host_master to $host_standby? (yes,no) > ” perform_bascul
if [[ “${perform_bascul}” = “yes” ]]; then
        #Unstandby both nodes
        pcs node unstandby $host_master
        pcs node unstandby $host_standby
        #Do a loop per resource
        pcs status resources | awk ‘{print $2}’ | while read -r resource ; do
                #Skip moving the virutal_ip resource, it will be moved at the end
                if [[ “${resource}” != “virtual_ip” ]]; then
                        echo “Moving ${resource} from ${host_master} to ${host_standby}”
                        pcs resource move ${resource} ${host_standby}
        sleep 5 && pcs node standby $host_master & #Standby current Master node after five seconds
        sleep 20 && pcs node unstandby $host_master & #Automatically Unstandby current Master node after$
        #Move the Virtual IP resource to standby node
        echo “Moving virutal_ip from ${host_master} to ${host_standby}”
        pcs resource move virtual_ip ${host_standby}
        #End the script
        echo “Becoming ${host_standby} to Master”
        progress-bar 10
        echo “Done”
        echo “Nothing to do, bye, bye”
sleep 15
root@vitalpbx1:~# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bascul
root@vitalpbx1:~# scp /usr/local/bin/bascul root@
root@vitalpbx1:~# ssh root@ ‘chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bascul’

Change Welcome Message in Server 1/2

root@vitalpbx1-2:~# cp -rf /usr/local/bin/role /etc/update-motd.d/20-vitalpbx
root@vitalpbx1-2:~# chmod 755 /etc/update-motd.d/20-vitalpbx


To execute the process of changing the role, we recommend using the following command:

root@vitalpbx1:~# bascul
*     Change the roles of servers in high availability     *
*All calls in progress will be lost and the system will be *
*     be in an unavailable state for a few seconds.        *
Are you sure to switch from vitalpbx1.local to vitalpbx2.local? (yes,no) >

This action makes Server1 (vitalpbx1.local) standby and Server2 (vitalpbx2.local) online. If you want to return to default do the same again.

Turn on and turn off

If both servers are going to be turned off, it is recommended that the one we want to be online be turned on first.


To update VitalPBX to the latest version just follow the following steps:

1.- From your browser, go to ip (Floating IP)

2.- Update VitalPBX from the interface

3.- Execute the following command in Server1 console

root@vitalpbx1:~# bascul

4.- From your browser, go to ip (Floating IP) again and refresh.

5.- Update VitalPBX from the interface

6.- Execute the following command in Server1 console

root@vitalpbx1:~# bascul

CONGRATULATIONS, you have installed and tested the high availability in VitalPBX

Some useful commands

  • bascul, is used to change roles between high availability servers. If all is well, a confirmation question should appear if we wish to execute the action.
  • role, shows the status of the current server. If all is well, you should return Masters or Slaves.
  • mariadbfix, on some occasions the synchronization between the databases is lost, the causes can be many, with this command this synchronization is recovered easily and quickly.
  • pcs resource refresh –full, to poll all resources even if the status is unknown, enter the following command.
  • pcs cluster unstandby host, in some cases the bascul command does not finish tilting, which causes one of the servers to be in standby (stop), with this command the state is restored to normal.


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